1. Responsible and owner of the intelier.com portal:

INSTALACIONES TURÍSTICAS COSTERAS, S.A. (hereinafter, “INTURCOSA”) VAT NUMBER: A-12016937 Registered Address: C/ Francia, 183 Polígono del Transporte. 12006 Castellón Tel.: 964 39 27 26 www.intelier.com – clientesintur@intelier.com Registered in the Mercantile Register of Castellón, Volume 1389, Book 951, Folio 217, page CS-4746.

2. Content of the intelier.com portal:

Through the portal INTURCOSA offers visitors to the portal, information and flexible communication tools with INTURCOSA Without prejudice to the diligence used in the preparation and development of the contents of the portal, there may be inaccuracies or errors.

3. Conditions of access to the Fobesa.com portal:

Access to the intelier.com portal is free of charge and viewing it does not require prior registration. However, the use of certain services, requires as an essential condition, the complete completion of the relevant forms by the user, and acceptance of the conditions of use set out in the portal for each of them, and especially the provisions of paragraph 7. The User accepts, expressly and without booking, that access to and use of the portal is done under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.

4. Property rights over the intelier.com portal:

INTURCOSA is the owner and/or licensee of all the information contained in this portal, its graphic design, images, databases, indexes, source codes, trademarks and logos, which are protected in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law and the Trademark Law. Their availability and use does not imply, under any circumstances, the transfer of ownership or the granting of a right of use in favour of the User, and therefore any reproduction, copying, total or partial distribution or commercialisation shall require prior written authorisation from INTURCOSA.  

5. Information and advertising on the portal intelier.com:

The inclusion in the portal intelier.com marketable products, is for information and advertising purposes only.  

6. Links or Links:

The inclusion in the portal intelier.com links or links to other portals, is for informational purposes only, and does not imply that INTURCOSA recommend and / or guarantee such portals, over which does not exercise any control, nor is responsible for the content thereof. The creation by third parties of links to the intelier.com portal must comply with the following rules: (1) do not make next to the link or link false, inaccurate or incorrect statements that may mislead, or that are contrary to law, morality or decency. (2) not to use links or links to pages or subpages other than the INTURCOSA Home Page (3) not to use trademarks or signs owned by INTURCOSA in conjunction with the URL (4) not to establish links or links to websites that contain statements or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic or terrorist nature, or that violate human rights.  

7. Protection of Personal Data:

When it is necessary for the User to register or provide personal data (among other cases, to request information; send queries, complaints or recruitment applications; send curriculum vitae, etc.), the collection and processing of personal data will be carried out by the User. ), the collection and processing of personal data shall be carried out in accordance and in compliance with the principles set out in the Organic Law on Data Protection in force (LOPD) and implementing regulations, as well as EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”).   INTURCOSA undertakes to process and collect personal data:
  1. In a lawful, fair and transparent manner,
  2. Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary,
  3. In an accurate and up-to-date manner,
  4. For as long as necessary.
Likewise, INTURCOSA undertakes to respect the guiding principles of privacy by design and by default and of proactive responsibility. In any case, the data thus collected will be included in a file under the responsibility of INTURCOSA for the sole purpose of:
  • Managing the relationship with Users, as well as the provision of Services offered through the Website (or about which the User has made a query/request) and, in general, the management, development and fulfilment of the relationship established between the Entity and those who provide their personal data through the Website.
  • To attend to possible job applications that may be received and to manage the possible selection process.
  • Resolve doubts and queries.
  • Send newsletters when the User has given his/her consent or has registered for a specific service. In this case, at the time of collecting the data, the User will be given the opportunity to refuse their use for this purpose. In addition, the possibility of unsubscribing will be established in each mailing.
When personal data is collected through the form, it will be necessary for the User to provide at least their name, surname and contact e-mail address, as, if this data, considered necessary, is not provided, INTURCOSA will not be able to manage the service requested. Furthermore, by providing the data and/or filling in the form(s), the User authorises INTURCOSA to use the email or telephone address as a means of communication and guarantees that the data provided is true, accurate, complete and up to date, expressly consenting to the use, processing and communication of the same for the purposes stated. In the event that data of third parties are provided, the person who has provided them guarantees that he/she has informed them of the terms set out in this section. In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, in the event that the User does not wish to receive electronic commercial communications in the future or unsubscribe from the newsletter system to which you may have subscribed, you may express such desire by sending an email to the following email address: intelier.com (in addition, in each shipment will establish the possibility that the User can unsubscribe).  

8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

These General Conditions shall be governed by Spanish law: INTURCOSA and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the user’s domicile for any questions that may arise or actions that may be brought arising from the provision of the website service and its services and contents and regarding the interpretation, application, compliance or non-compliance with the provisions herein.