Use of cookies

We inform you that this website uses cookies. This Cookie Policy is complemented by the Privacy Policy of this website.The Website is owned by the company Coastal Tourist Facilities, Inc. and cookies are used for:

  • Know your browsing habits in order to show you advertising related to your preferences.
  • Identify you as a user and maintain your identification status.
  • Collect statistics that allow us to analyze how users use our website, in order to improve it.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded and stored on your computer when accessing certain web pages. They are widely used to ensure that the Website functions correctly and efficiently, as they provide information to the owners of the Website.

Cookies allow, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a user’s browsing habits or their device, and depending on the information they contain and how their device is used, they can be used to recognize and identify the user in order to improve their browsing experience and provide the services requested by You.

“If you do not wish to send cookies to our systems, you can “disable” it and control it from your browser by deleting them from your browsing history – cache – when you finish the visit.”

What types of cookies exist?

Depending on the entity that manages them:

  • Own cookies: These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the requested service is provided by the user.
  • Third-party cookies: Third-party cookies are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

Based on their expiration:

  • Session cookies: They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website.
  • Persistent cookies: They are a type of cookies in which the data remains stored on the device and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie’s owner, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Depending on its purpose:

  • Technical cookies: These are the ones that allow the user to navigate through a web page and use the different options or services that exist on it, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, remembering the elements that make up a reservation, carrying out the reservation process, using security elements during navigation, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: These are cookies that allow the person in charge of them to track and analyze the behavior of users on the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data that users of the service make.
  • Advertising cookies: These are those that allow for the most effective management of the advertising spaces that, if applicable, the publisher has included on a webpage from which it provides the requested service based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency at which the ads are displayed.

What type of cookies does the company use through the Website?

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, below is detailed the use of cookies made by the website.

Nombre de la cookieTipo de cookieNombre del proveedorFinalidad de la cookieDescripción
Google Tag Manager   Cookie de análisis 
_ga2 años Cookie de análisisSe usa para distinguir a los usuarios.
_gid24 horas Cookie de análisisSe usa para distinguir a los usuarios.
_gat1 minuto Cookie de análisisSe usa para limitar el porcentaje de solicitudes. 
AMP_TOKEN30 segundos a 1 año Cookie de análisisIncluye un token que se puede utilizar para recuperar un ID de cliente del servicio de ID de cliente de AMP. Otros posibles valores indican inhabilitaciones, solicitudes en curso o errores obtenidos al recuperar un ID del servicio de ID de cliente de AMP.
_gac_ 90 días Cookie de análisisIncluye información de la campaña relativa al usuario.
PHPSESSIDCookie de sesión  Cookies técnicasSe utiliza para mantener iniciada una sesión de usuario. No identificado en ningún momento.
mp_18d1c47f76dd2a898c992a46cdadbf53_mixpanel MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
SL_C_23361dd035530_KEY MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
_ym_uid  MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
cto_lwid MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
cto_lwid  MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
ga MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
_ga-ft  MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
__cfduid Cookie asociada con sitios que utilizan CloudflareMiraiCookies técnicasUtilizada para acelerar los tiempos de carga de la página.  Estrictamente necesaria
miraiMetasUser MiraiCookies de análisisUtilizada para distinguir usuarios
miraicorpLang MiraiCookies de personalizaciónConfigurada para gestionar el idioma del visitante. Estrictamente necesaria
BOOKING_VALUES MiraiCookies técnicasConfigurada para gestionar el idioma del visitante. Estrictamente necesaria
9744cdb1-92d0-44fa-a1bf-201d29fafd1e_CasAccountAppAuthInfo Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
__act Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
__s9744cdb192d044faa1bf201d29fafd1e Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
__sdf3bcea6090f4443b91230caf6460bc2 Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
__se3640f97132848edb3d503ca7c0d2e12 Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
__sfb80426fb3894b11a11c8db9603ee20f Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
_gaGA1.4.708897484.1510310532Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com2020-09-26T08:20:41.000Z
_gidGA1.4.1014624705.1537863999Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com2018-09-28T08:20:41.000Z
df3bcea6-090f-4443-b912-30caf6460bc2_CasAccountAppAuthInfo Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
e3640f97-1328-48ed-b3d5-03ca7c0d2e12_CasAccountAppAuthInfo Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
fb80426f-b389-4b11-a11c-8db9603ee20f_CasAccountAppAuthInfo Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
last_etmc_loginThu, 27 Sep 2018 08:20:41 GMTSales 
platformAuthCookie Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
rest_cookie606215596204800000Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
xt_0d95e789847468204800000Sales Forcemc.s10.exacttarget.com1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z
_ym_d  MiraiCookies de análisis Utilizada para distinguir usuarios
hjSiteLang365 díasHotjar This cookie is set when a page which supports multiple languages on is visited. This allows us to always load the content in the preferred language when available
_hjDonePolls365 díasHotjar This cookie is set once a visitor completes a poll using the Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the same poll does not re-appear if it has already been filled in.
_hjMinimizedPolls365 díasHotjar This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site.
_hjDoneTestersWidgets   365 díasHotjar This cookie is set once a visitor submits their information in the Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the same form does not re-appear if it has already been filled in.
_hjMinimizedTestersWidgets365 díasHotjar This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site.
_hjIncludedInSampleDecided by OptimizelyHotjar This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels.
_hjShownFeedbackMessage365 díasHotjar This cookie is set when a visitor minimizes or completes Incoming Feedback. This is done so that the Incoming Feedback will load as minimized immediately if they navigate to another page where it is set to show.    
_hjid    365 díasHotjar This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the random user ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.

How can you modify your consent or reject the cookies?

In the event that you wish to subsequently modify the cookies that have been stored on your computer, you can do so at any time through the following link or by using the tools provided by each web browser. Similarly, you can withdraw your consent through the following link, or by using the tools provided by each web browser. Depending on the type of browser you use, the procedure for revoking and deleting cookies could be, for illustrative purposes, one of the following:

Additional notes

The company is not responsible for the deactivation of cookies preventing or hindering the proper functioning of the Website, nor can it guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of cookies by the mentioned browsers. In some cases, it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget your decision of non-acceptance of them.

Update on Cookie Policy and Contact

This Cookie Policy may vary depending on the cookies that are used. The company recommends reviewing this policy each time you access our website in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies and to be aware of any changes in the type of data that is collected. Finally, if you have any problems related to the use of cookies on this website, you can contact us through the following email address []